Friday, September 19, 2014

SOD Farm: A Story to Retell

I don't feel like SOD Farm is my idea.  I don't feel inspired enough to assume full responsibility (or blame) for this.  Rather, I see it as an extension of ongoing conversations at Mechanic Grove and with the larger church.  In the fall of 2013 our Care Group took a look at "The Naked Anabaptist" by Stuart Murray which looks at the essentials of the Anabaptist faith.  In general we felt it accurately displayed our longing for the church, but was far from a reflection of what church currently is.  This was perhaps the culmination of discussions that have been similar.  "We understand what we think the church should do.  But why does the church not look like that?"

We felt challenged in some way to begin to live out some of these convictions of discipleship, accountability, community, thoughtful engagement with culture.  One of the core questions was "How do we change 'What if' questions into 'Why not' questions?"  We feel like Mechanic Grove has so much going for it.  There is a lively discussion of people honestly seeking to follow Jesus.  There is a place that takes ministry to the community seriously in its Children's Outreach Ministry.  But perhaps we are also a people who speak frequently of discipleship and community without experimenting with the full ramifications of those words.  So SOD Farm is perhaps one, meager attempt to experiment with this.  It would be a radical step beyond what is "normal" ministry.  I acknowledge that the details are far from finished, nor do I wish or think it right to figure out all the details by myself without the community of people.  Others will have to live with the reifications.  Others will have to place themselves on the altar willing to sacrifice for Jesus and his kingdom.

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