Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Watch for God

Last week was our churches Vacation Bible School.  If you're unfamiliar with VBS it's a place where kids come each evening for a week for 2 hours of learning about the Bible through stories, songs, crafts, games and, of course, snack.

We do something called "God Sightings".  Everyone was given a bracelet  that says, "Watch for God" on it.  After a week, I'm still wearing mine.  I must confess that I need it to remind me to be constantly watch for God.  I've been much more aware of God working around me.  For instance, I met a guy at our church last week.  His car had broken down and he was waiting for a friend.  I offered to give him a ride to where he needed to go.  Now this isn't a great story of car ride evangelism, of people pouring out their souls.  I simply gave the guy a ride.  Not far, maybe 10-15 minutes.  But it was good to help someone who needed it.  Not to convert him (I have no idea of what his faith life is like or if he even identifies with a particular faith.)  My goal was simply to help him out.  And I believe what I've done for the least, I've done for Him.

There have been a lot more examples of God showing up.  And when I think about it he's actually always there.  So I'll continue to wear my bracelet and make it a part of my life to be watching for God.  I encourage you to do the same.  He's always there.  In the big things and in the small things if we'll just take the time to look.

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