Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Youth Rally - "Fan Into Flame"

May 15-16
Midway Church of the Brethren
Youth Rally

Saturday Night
2 Timothy 1:3-7

Whether we grew up in the church or are new to the church we have been influenced by someone else’s faith. Their lives and the way they lived out their faith somehow made a difference in our lives. (2 Tim. 1) We have to take the faith and make it our own. In other words it’s not enough for us to rely on someone else’s relationship with Jesus; we need to have our own relationship with Jesus. Too often we rely on someone else doing all of the thinking, praying, worshipping, and serving.

In John 4 there’s a story about a Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at a well in the middle of the day. She’s been raised on a Samaritan upbringing and way of believing. When she meets Jesus some of the ways of believing change (where and when and how to worship). But this faith becomes a part of who she is and she can’t help but go and share it with those around her.

Perhaps you have been baptized or accepted Jesus as Savior, but this is not the end of a faith journey. It’s only the beginning. Growing in faith takes a lifetime. Paul even wrote that he had not taken hold of the final product of faith yet. He said he was always striving to grow and learn what it means to follow Christ.

Who is someone in your life who has been an example of living out faith?

What about their faith has been attractive to you?

How have you made that a part of your own life?

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